(Aiph5u (not affiliated with Onefinity))
December 23, 2023, 4:21pm
Hey Derek, hey Andrea l Wellman @bluewater , hey all,
Interesting, I have run over 2000 hours on the buildbotics controller for my production shop and although it has it’s limitations it has not given me issues (I run it on 1.0.9).
I have since upgraded to a DIY Masso G3 controller on my Onefinity frame and although it’s a much more capable controller there are some features of the Buildbotics I miss - namely the web interface and joypad for jogging in multiple axis. Nothing more frustrating than having to carry my work on a USB thumb drive to my Masso (I refuse to install proprietary software of unknown security disposition on my computers to transfer files).
I summed up some important differences in this posting the other day, maybe of interest for the original poster:
PS: I stick with firmware 1.0.9 too since I have not seen anything important for me in the Release Notes of the later versions , at same time it seems to me that they bring more problems.