What screens can I use with the Onefinity CNC (with a Buildbotics controller)

This FAQ is only applicable to Onefinity Machines with the BB (buildbotics) controller. It does not apply to Elite Machines.

Specifics on the Onefinity screen requirements:
There is nothing special about the screen used on the Onefinity CNC. It is simply a small sized monitor/tv that has touch input. It’s no different than the TV you have in your home, in fact, you could even use your home tv as the screen for the Onefinity!
The only requirements for the screen is that is has an hdmi input, it is powered on before turning on the controller, and for screens/monitors/tvs that have multiple inputs, the correct source must be chosen (ie: if the Onefinity is plugged into hdmi 1, hdmi 1 must be chosen as the source.)
The Onefinity will not plug into a laptop or computer hdmi port (Laptops/computers are an OUTPUT ONLY port).


You will never install any ‘drivers’ to make touch work on the onefinity. If you have a touchscreen specific monitor, you should simply connect it via hdmi (for video), wall outlet (for power), and an usb connection to the Onefinity controller. Again, turn on the screen for 10 seconds BEFORE powering up the controller. The ‘touch’ part should work, if it does not, the touch screen is incompatible with the Onefinity.

‘TOUCH’ Requirement:

You are not required to use a touch screen monitor. If you choose to use a tv/screen/monitor that does not have touch capabilities, simply plug in any usb mouse/keyboard for use as input. Again, no software/drivers is required for these devices to work. They must be plugged into the controller before turning on the controller.

Any usb mouse and be used for input if you would rather use a mouse over touch.


A real tablet (such as a iPad or amazon fire tablet) cannot be directly connected via hdmi to be used as a screen. This is because the tablet is a computer and the Onefinity controller is a computer, and you cannot directly connect one computer to another. Also, the ipad and other such tablets do NOT have an HDMI input port.

Connection to wifi:

You can, however, control it via a networked computing device through web browser (microsoft edge, apple safari on mac or ipad/iphone, google chrome, etc.). The only issue with this is that you will need to have some sort of screen connected to configure the wifi first. Once the wifi is configured, you can disconnect the temporary screen and connect via a remote computer from now on. Video to do so is here:

Direct connection to a computer:

The Onefinity does not have the ability to directly connect to a computer via a usb to usb cord. You can, however, connect directly to the controller using a ethernet cord. Visit this faq for more details: How to directly connect your Onefinity CNC to a computer/laptop (no screen present) (Buildbotics Controller)
Users of Inventables Easel might be confused by this since Easel thinks this is required. Please refer to this faq to understand why: Creating a file in Inventables Easel

Here is a list of USER confirmed screens that will work with the Onefinity:

Please note, some ‘POS’ screens (point of sale screens) are much more finicky and most likely will not work, specifically the ‘touch’ part…