Worth the Price? / Rotary Axis Setup

I am using this one. But I’m sure you could use most any of them as long as you wire it up correctly. And yeah I had to go into the controller and change a few things but I have two configurations saved in there. One for when I use the rotary (A axis enabled for M1 and Y2 disabled) and the other is the standard configuration. I just unhook my rotary wire from the controller move it out of the way and plug the two Y axis cables into the controller and load the stock configuration when I want to use the machine standard. Also you will have to add a couple lines of code to the vectric post processor if you use vectric for this. I did that but then I switched to lightburn. If you decide to go with one I can show you some pics of that I set my settings to in the controller and stuff. It’s really pretty simple but this isn’t true rotary as it doesn’t compensate for changes in the diameter of the object and stuff which someone pointed out in the forum before. But this is fine for what I use it for on the tumblers.