Looking at buying used and need feedback

Hi All,
Someone in my area is selling a 2.5 year old original woodworker but states that the controller is no longer working. Is the controller easy to replace? What other things should I look for to ensure I’m getting a good deal? They are asking for $1000. Is that a fair price?

You can actually configure an original woodworker in the Onefinity store without the controller (but with the screen) and it comes to $1,670.25 USD new. I don’t think anyone would be able to tell you what your personal opinion on what a deal is but that’s a data point you can use in your choice.

If you do the math on the same unit with a controller, the controller seems to be valued at $374 when sold in a bundle. Not that Onefinity will sell you one at that price, or sell you one at all (I don’t know if they provide stand alone controllers for sale), but again, that’s another data point to use in your decision making.

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I wouldn’t consider buying a used cnc with a bad controller. Who knows what caused the controller to go out or if it damaged something else? Buy a new machine or a used one that’s known to work…preferably new, since it would have a warranty.


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Hey Matt,

if Onefinity should provide you with a replacement of the buildbotics-derived Onefinity Controller, which they stated would be $500 +VAT, you will hardly get a stand-alone and nearly fully RS-274NGC-compatible 4-axis CNC controller with integrated stepper motor drivers and remote network access at a lower price. They may sell you one if you are the new owner. I would contact them per e-mail.

Most people kill their Onefinity controller by not using an adequate dust collection in their workshop and the fan of the controller draws all the dust. Wood dust destroys electronics. You could try to see if it is the version with the rocker switch (hardware controller version <=v4), if the switch has dust inside, you can find the servicing instruction to repair it here:

or here is a link to a rocker switch replacement.

I strongly suggest enclosing your CNC controller in an enclosure like this one.

Welcome to the forum!