MASSO switch work offset G54 to G59?

Trying to learn, how do i switch, set multiple work offset G54 to G59? Do i use the mdi editor command G55 then use probe, then G56 and use probe again to save, and so on…

Short answer is yes. When you probe G55, G56, etc., you will see those positions on the F4 page, and they are in non-volatile memory (until you change them again), and will remain virtually forever. The real question is can you label and locate materials accurately on the spoil board, such as a fence or corner. While you’re there you might as well set up a “park” position, I have mine at x=30, y=30, Z= minus 1, that sets the z with a little room for homing the next time.


I second Jim.

A secondary problem will occur though when you want to run a toolpath.

For example VCarve is kind of a hobbyist software that does not let you choose the coordinate system. So in the first few lines it will insert the G54 command, and all your effort of homing the G5X position is gone. Theoretically you can modify the G-code for example in a text editor but that is king of annoying, and easy to forget (just ruined another piece of wood, not again…)

Personally I use G54 for all projects and G59 for my rotary projects. I use Deskproto for rotary projects have a modified post processor that will insert the G95 command at the beginning of every toolpath.

Yes, Deskproto will let you chose the coordinate system.

The great advantage of the Masso controller (another reason to leave buildbotics behind) is that it will remember all coordinate systems and you do not have to home XY and possibly Z even if you switch if off and on.

This is also very practical (no homing necessary) for example if

-you use one or more fencing systems
-want to switch to the rotary (mine has a fixed position on the spoilboard)
-have set up a vertical spoilboard
-have a vice installed on the spoilboard

I am not sure how other CAM software works with different coordinate systems.

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Hey Patrik,

the different set of coordinate systems and all of the g-code language was created when CNC operators wrote their programs in g-code. G55ff. was an easy way to run the same toolpath on a set of up to nine workpieces clamped on the worksurface or set at fences in a regular interval.

With the advent of CAD/CAM software, such coordinate systems on the g-code level are no more necessary since you could program them with the CAD/CAM program. When 3D modeling, you can easily clone an object and put several of them side by side in a g-code toolpath.

Thanks, that was clever, didn’t think of that.