Hello, my 1st post. This is also my first CNC router, I ordered a Onefinity Elite last December and hope to have it in March.
I have used Solidworks for 20 years and am now learning the CAM package. I made an assumption that SW CAM would be able to send code directly to the Masso controller. But it looks like I will need a post processor? I’ve searched around for a SW CAM post processor for the Masso but have not found one. Has anyone used SW CAM with an Elite machine?
I have modeled in SW for about that same amount of time at work but we program in mastercam, I would contact solidworkssupport@mlc-cad.com.
If they don’t have a post for the onefinity, Ask about a generac Fanuc post and take out the G43 line. Make sure it has a N number on each line. That should work, But i have no experience with posts within solidworks. I do edit them in Mastercam.
and i can’t view the forum over at Masso, I never created a Masso forum account.
But I found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXe0s5IbpC4, It kinda looks like editing edgecam posts 20 years ago. Not to bad at all.
Much easier than Mastercam in Cimco.
Just download a generac Fanuc post, take out the G43 command, and then test it out.
I will say this, when you are working on a post, only change one thing at a time and then post and read the g-code, easier to not get lost doing it like that and you remember what you just changed if you make a mistake you can undo it easier.
if you mess up the post, just delete it and start over. Dive on in.
[quote=“DuaneOh, post:6, topic:30715”]
are they really all the same?
[/quote] Yes and No, they are pretty much the same on 99% of code, but some machines require a machine specific code. Like for example, We have a machine here at work that has to have G5.1Q0 at the start of every tool. We have never seen that until we got that machine, Mostly the other changes would be Coolant code commands, Some take M8 others take M7. Most common is M8, which on Elite turns on Dust collector.
the difference in M & G codes are minor and most tweaks are cosmetic to how we like our code to look.
Print you off a G & M code list from Masso and then look at what they have in the SW post. They will probably be the same.
I have heard of GWizard before, I’ll stick with Cimco ( just a preference I guess) I don’t like much change
Thats what i would do.
Create a profile, create a Circle, some drill paths.
you cannot tap with this machine.
The elite will read canned cycles, So when i am going to make non artistic stuff I program with Mastercam which has canned cycles, If i am doing 3D stuff, I will either use Aspire or my carvco+, whichever i feel at the time. the later does not produce canned cycles.
And Remember, Take out the G43 and H offset from the Post. Elite will not read that, and is the biggest difference code wise from Machines here at work and the Elite.
It will probably post something like this G43Z.8H1 (G43 reads H Offset for tool) on most machines.
Make it post this G0Z.8 ( this is for Elite) The Elite will take the offset from the T1 M6 command. (or whatever your tool number is).
Hope I am not forgetting anything, If i am someone will chime in.
Some of the stuff that I want to make on the Elite will have complex 3d surfaces generated in SW. The more I look at SW CAM it looks like it is 2.5d with some limited 3d capability. You mention that when doing 3d you use Aspire or Carveco+. Like I said, this is all new to me so here’s a basic question. Am I better off getting a program like these and import a STL or STP file to generate the g code?
Vcarve Pro, Aspire, or carveco+ will all machine the same things really.
I think it is mostly preference, I am still learning Aspire and carvco+. from what i gather Aspire or vcarve can do Rotary but i think carvco is better at it atleast visually. vcarve or aspire has better working in engraving their special vcarve letterings. the difference between vcarve pro and aspire is modeling. you can place more models that are brought in from outside in aspire than vcarve pro. Not to sure about carvco+ but i think it is unlimited (don’t quote me on that i may be wrong on that).
programming in vcarve pro and aspire are exactly the same. if you don’t have a 4th it really does not matter TBH IMO. I just don’t like how bright the screen is in aspire, I like how carvco is laid out better. atleast in color scheme, doesnt hurt my eyes. you can import .stl in both i believe, not too sure about step files. one i believe does and the other does not, but i can’t remember which. I think if you want to place things in a precision manner carvco is easier.
so, I would download free versions of both one at a time and play with them. pick the one you like the best, they both have posts for the onefinity. after you make up your mind i would suggest buying a perpetual lic so you have the software forever, and as far as that goes vcarve tops carvco on that. big time. they both have their pos and negs, vcarve is the most popular. and you can get vcarve pro and then update to aspire later.
it’s really up to you, they all do the same thing, its just x,y,&z.
Don’t over think it like i did. i had a hard time at first because the software is so much easier than mastercam it’s not even funny.
none of that probably makes since, if not i apologize.
Here is what I will use the Elite for: I have been building guitars as a hobby for years and now that I’m retired, I want to become more efficient. I am replacing an old overarm pin router that has served me well, I print out full size cad drawings to make templates. The guitars that I build are archtop, like the violin family. This is where 3d is helpful, it takes a lot of time to carve the top and back plates by hand and it is hard on the hands. I also like to put a conical radius on the fingerboard.
Thinking in SW, does this mean the number of parts?
Is this for assembling parts?
Looking at vcarve pro and maker+, they both seem to have limited 3d capability. Since I will be importing a stl or stp file I won’t be using them for modeling. Considering what I want to do, do you think that these could machine the 3d surfaces? I will look at some videos then try them first.
Oh, the good old “from as low as” leader.
I see this trick on other sites too, put a bunch of products in one listing as “variants” as if they were just different colors. And of course the lowest priced one is always the price that shows in the listings.