This is a Request For Comment for those using the original BB controller only who want to use G54 to G59.3 origins.
This is an app that runs on a Windows Computer preferably beside the CNC.
Back in 2022 I created this app to use extended origins on the BB controller. It can be found here: Work Offsets App - Files - Onefinity CNC Forum
I have been updating this Work Offsets app for a while now. I have been finding it useful, so I decided to get it cleaned up ready to release to the community. But while I finish off the final touches (help file – Ugh!) it seemed good if the concept is shown so if anyone sees a fatal flaw, or any improvement, they can point it out.
I have put the whole concept in a pdf attached.
Work Offsets app.pdf (1.4 MB)
If anyone would be interested to spend some time to analyze and give feedback it would be greatly appreciated.
You can reply here or send a PM if you wish.
Thanks for your time.