Hey quesohusker,
Possibly, but someone that can build onefinity-firmware from the sources can easily achieve it and mount a Raspberry Pi 4 into the Onefinity controller (with modifying front plate to accomodate the swapped Ethernet and USB ports) on a recent Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) SD card image.
I don’t think so. First, the buildbotics-derived Onefinity controller has an unbeatable price and it is a complete and capable 4-axis CNC controller.
Second, there is still the original Buildbotics Controller that is under development. It evolved a bit (What’s new in Buildbotics 1.0.2, What’s new in Buildbotics 1.0.0) since Onefinity forked the system and it has now a 15-pin auxiliary I/O port which allows to use external stepper drivers and stepper motors, e.g. closed-loop steppers or servos. See here for details.