Vcarve inlays issues after Upgrades

Hello everyone,

I have been working with vectric to narrow down the issue and fit is consistently 1.5mm to small on the female part of the inlay.

When I was on the buildbotics controller with configured as a woodworker the following vcarve inlay worked fine.

I upgraded recently my CNC to the journeyman with the Masso controller. Is there a method I could use to verify my calibration is correct?

Recipe used for inlays:

Bits used in the past:
46280 CNC 2D & RU1600 bits

DEEP Vcarve

15 degree bit (46280 )
Clearance bit RU1600 = 1/8

Important settings for inlay projects
→ Use the V-carve function for both parts
→ For the Female inlay component
Start depth 0mm
Flat depth 8mm

Male Parts
Mirror Flip vertical (uncheck create a mirror copy)
Add a vector around the design
select outside vector

Offset vector ( 8mm )
First tool paths

  1. Start depth 1.5mm
    Flat depth 2mm

  2. Start depth 4.5
    Flat depth 2mm

  3. For the Male Inlay component
    Start depth 7
    Flat depth 2mm

  4. Arrange clear paths in order

  5. arrage vcarve paths in order

  6. isolate plug (cut it out using the offset vector) USE TABS (inside Left)
    Start at 9mm to depth of wood.

  7. clean up tool paths
    7A offset of 10mm
    7B .5 mm above work

Previous inlays on the buildbotics controller

Any help is appreciated as I have lost over $500 in materials.

Make sure that your bit is sharp. Those 15 degree bits can have broken tips really easy. A broken tip will mess up your depth and cause what you are describing.

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I figured out the issue, it seems my calibration is off in the Y axis:

I am going to run the following file in hopes I get some support from Onefinity on how to correct this issue.

I finally figured it out, the Y axis calibration was not correct. After weeks of troubleshooting with a ruler I purchased a 12 digital caliper which allowed me to successfully complete an inlay test!

Thank you to everyone for all the suggestions!