1.4.0 Alpha 3 (Macros update) (outdated)

Hello, which issue are you referring to? The screen glitch? The stop not working or PWNCNC not functioning correctly?


Stop not working and pwn CNC. If you can help on both that would be great!!

Here’s a video of the PWN CNC settings, hope it helps.

Here’s a video of the the stop button not working. This may not be a Macro issue, but something else that we should look at anyway for safety reasons.

I get this error quite often

I would get a brand new SD card and start fresh.

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Hey Troy -
I just saw this on the forum…FYI, I’m running 1.4.0a3 firmware and have not had this issue with the stop button. Just sayin’

Could you run a macro using the P60 command and see if you can stop it during that timer.

If you need I can post the gcode

Post the GC so I can make sure I’m comparing the exact same conditions as you.

S6000 M3
G4 P60
G4 P60
G4 P60
G4 P60

spindle_warmup.ngc (67 Bytes)

Troy -
I tested this out and have the same results that you describe.

That said, I’m not sure it’s really a bug or not.

When the code is in the midst of a delay, stop does not interrupt the delay until it has completed execution. That’s what I see and that behavior may be by design. Is that right or wrong, could be up for debate. I would be curious how platforms other than Buildbotics handle the same G-code.

I spent a lot of time writing computer code, so I’m thinking along those lines.

In reality the simple stop can get way more complicated under the covers. For instance if you issue a M3 S16000 and press stop, the spindle stops rotating. But if you’re executing a delay and you press stop, do you cancel the delay…and what do you do with the rotating spindle that was turned on a few instructions ago or maybe a jog command that’s moving the gantry from one position to another. How would you know what things to stop?

Stop does not equal Emergency stop

In an Emergency Stop, you kill the program and stop everything. If you press the big red mechanical button, you shut power off the controller and spindle (if properly configured). You don’t want to rely on software for your safety as it’s the software that misbehaved to begin with, whether it’s G-Code or computer code…


This is exactly it. It’s executing a code (delay, so Stop is going to stop right after the code and before the next line). For this specific spindle warm up code, it wont respond to stop until the delay is finished. It’s not a bug.


V1.4.0a3 Macros have issues.

  1. After creating a macro where G-Code is entered, can’t delete macro if it’s no longer needed. The stored code should be deleted and the macro button should return to it’s default (unassigned) state and color.

  2. The image below tells all

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When deleting loaded GCode files, Macro Gcode is appearing in the Gcode area.

Can we get that area to be clear after we delete all loaded GCode files?

See attached video

Thanks for your hard work!

New build updated!