Beginner Thread

Hey all,

the problem with such a thread is that it does not take into account the already existing answers to beginners’ questions, which are available in large quantities on the forum. So I would fear that it would lead to a poorer quality of information than if beginners were referred to the search function, through which one can be led to high-quality and extensive information, or to good and important existing threads in which something has been extensively discussed and described.

For example:

This answer does not take into account that there is a way to set the screen resolution to the exact one that your monitor has which makes powering it up a good while before the controller unnecessary.

This does not take into account that there is a list of remedies to this monitor intermittent issue in the forum. It only mentions putting it to a different circuit, but not e.g. these recommended remedies for this issue

This answer does not link to any of the wasteboard files that others already made and offered to the public, nor to the “Wasteboard” Playlist on the OnefinityCNC youtube Support channel.

There is a lot of info about flattening your spoilboard in this forum.

Also for a beginnger, it is crucial to understand that before flattening the wasteboard, you have to make the checks that the machine is rectangular (“squared”) and that it is coplanar (not twisted). Flattening the wasteboard cannot remedy any of both. So it would be good to link to a post like this post: What do I do first – #6 by Aiph5u.

Furthermore it is fine for beginners to share their progress with other beginners (please do not feel disturbed to proceed), but wouldn’t beginners rather be helped by information from experts than from other beginners?

When it comes to learning how to use a CNC milling machine to mill wood, which is essentially machining technology, here specifically the so-called cutting with a geometrically defined cutting edge (in contrast to machining with geometrically undetermined cutting edge, aka sanding), which includes, among other things, milling parameters such as the mentioned cutting speed, the feed rate, the plunge rate, the width of cut, the chip load, and much more. In my opinion, it would be nonsense to start the thousandth manual for this here in this forum, because first this is a forum about a specific CNC machine and controller, but this topic applies to all CNC routers and milling machines, and secondly, there exists already an uncountable amount of such instructions, many of excellent quality, both in the technical literature and, of course, even more so on the WWW. I would say that one should rather work on a collection of links to good pages, pointing to both pages in the forum and pages in the WWW.

PS: David @brknlnk, I took your post just as an example, I may have taken any of the posts of the others above :wink: