Beginner Thread

I think i got a simple explanation:

Absolute: a coordinate system that originates from your current 0,0,0 setting using that as an orgin as it measures out. Gcode compiled after your post processor utilizes the absolute coordinate system. Ex: x25y31, x24, y30, x25, y31 would make a square. G90 in gcode.

Incremetal: a coordinate system that is related to your present position. Ex: x25y31, x-1, y-1, x1, y1 would create a square.

Yeah. I feel more confident with that. Thank you, ya learn something new every day… i knew what they were, but absolutes orgin was what i thought i knew but was wrong. I had the right idea but the orgin wasn’t right. Made my macros a long time ago, and never looked at them since. thank you!