Hi Sid, thanks for contact me. I could get the Fulling running with the Onefinity controller, but not at “100%”speed. Onefinity did not help me on configuring the Fulling and recommended me the Buildbotics forum. Buildbotics, on the other hand, just said their Controller software (1.0.3) has the Fuling DZB300 VFD selectable from the Toll Configuration drop down menu, but refuse to give any support on configuration because I’m a Onefinity customer. I contact PwnCNC support as I saw a video from them about the Buildbotics controller and they promptly sent me a picture of the Buildbotics software page ( Tool Configuration section ) where it shows the Tool Configuration Notes and the Active Modbus Program section for the Fuling DZB300 VFD. Getting the commands and values they use I was hoping to use the same data to configure a Custom Modus for the Fuling on the Onefinity controller software. The problem is that there is a line of command (freq-scaled-set) that can not be selectable on the Onefinity software when trying to configure a Custom Modbus VFD for the Fulling. Apparently it does not exist yet on the Onefinity side. And this line is related with the communication setting range (% of maximum frequency) and you need to set a value of 10000, which means 100%. The line would be (freq-scaled-set, address 8192, value 100000). I changed the freq-scaled-set on the Custom Modbus VFD for max-freq, but it had no effect on the max frequency achievable.
At the end, the controller could communicate with the fulling VFD, but apparently the max achievable frequency is limited to 80%, which I concluded to be the default value for the Fulling VFD. My spindle is 800Hz and when I command 24000rpm, for example, it goes to 640Hz and 19200 rpm; if I command 12000 rpm, it gives you actually 9600 rpm and 320Hz. What that freq-scaled-set command would have done is change this value from 80 to 100%, so what speed you command with m3 is what you get on the VFD and spindle. Unfortunately I came to a conclusion that it will only have proper with the Fulling VFD (m3 speed command on the software matching exactly the speed command on the spindle) when Onefinity updates the software and give specific configuration for the Fulling or when this command line (freq-scaled-set) is made available for the Custom Modbus configuration in the drop down list of the menu of commands. But I’m curious now to know if you got another way for the full communication with the Fulling.Please let me know.
That is the picture I got from the Buildbotics Controller Software page: