Configuring a custom VFD and spindle

Hey Sid,

do you mean settings inside the VFD, in order to suit your spindle?

If so, this should be found in your spindle manual.

EDIT: Do you mean the settings in 8.Creating a Custom VFD Program?

If so, you should not need this, since under ‘tool-type’ in Onefinity CNC Controller’s Tool Configuration Tab, you should be able select “V70”. Did you try it with this?

EDIT: I don’t run the Onefinity CNC controller, however by looking at the source code of the Onefinity Firmware 1.0.9 (unlike Buildbotics Firmware v0.4.14 or higher), it seems that the ‘V70’ VFD is not offered under ‘tool-type’, can you confirm this?

At least the ‘V70’ entry is not found in Onefinity’s Firmware file src/resources/config-template.json nor in the file src/pug/templates/tool-view.pug. However it is well present in the source:

# 1.0.9/onefinity-firmware-master/src/avr/src/vfd_spindle.c

const vfd_reg_t v70_regs[] PROGMEM = {
  {REG_MAX_FREQ_READ, 0x0005, 0}, // Maximum operating frequency
  {REG_FREQ_SET,      0x0201, 0}, // Set frequency in 0.1Hz
  {REG_STOP_WRITE,    0x0200, 0}, // Stop
  {REG_FWD_WRITE,     0x0200, 1}, // Run forward
  {REG_REV_WRITE,     0x0200, 5}, // Run reverse
  {REG_FREQ_READ,     0x0220, 0}, // Read operating frequency
  {REG_STATUS_READ,   0x0210, 0}, // Read status

which would translate to the following settings for 8. Creating a custom VFD program:

max-freq-read50Maximum operating frequency
freq-set5130Set frequency in 0.1Hz
fwd-write5121Run forward
rev-write5125Run reverse
freq-read5440Read operating frequency
status-read5280Read status

As for the default settings for the VFD, in Buildbotics v1.0.1 firmware, it says in


        h2 Notes
        p Set the following using the VFD's front panel.
            th Address
            th Value
            th Meaning
            th Description
            td.reg-addr F001
            td.reg-value 2
            td Communication port
            td Control mode
            td.reg-addr F002
            td.reg-value 2
            td Communication port
            td Frequency setting selection
            td.reg-addr F163
            td.reg-value 1
            td Slave address
            td Must match #[tt bus-id] above
            td.reg-addr F164
            td.reg-value 1
            td 9600 BAUD
            td Must match #[tt baud] above
            td.reg-addr F165
            td.reg-value 3
            td 8 data, no parity, 1 stop, RTU
            td Must match #[tt parity] above
          | Other settings according to the
            target="_blank") Stepper Online V70 VFD manual

which translates to:


Set the following using the VFD's front panel.

Address Value Meaning Description
F001 2 Communication port Control mode
F002 2 Communication port Frequency setting selection
F163 1 Slave address Must match #[tt bus-id] above
F164 1 9600 BAUD Must match #[tt baud] above
F165 3 8 data, no parity, 1 stop, RTU Must match #[tt parity] above

Other settings according to the Stepper Online V70 VFD manual

NOTE: I don’t run the Onefinity CNC controller, I just had a look at the firmware! I cannot test anything.