Cutting the machine bed

I’m about to make my first cut on my new Journeyman Pro. The cut will be a 1.5mm vgroove aroung the perimiter of the machine cutting area. I need advice on how to properly setup a job using VCarve to do this. Thank you in advance.

Hey Brent,

if you do this with a g-code toolpath, you will always have a portion around that you don’t reach, because the CAD/CAM software will take the bit diameter into account. The best way would be to use the gamepad and to jog around. This way, you can go to the very limits. You could first use a v-bit and mill with shallow depth (and this way you can check if the machine is squared).

See also this ← for how to achieve maximum workarea with a g-code toolpath

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I appreciate your response. Since this is the first cut for me I wasn’t sure how the VCarve generated G-code would process the cut. If the postprocessor automatically compensates for the diameter of the but where VCarve does not, that’s good to know. Testing should bear this out. Thanks

Knowing what the limits of the machine are supposed to be this should be an easy program to write in your editor. Simple G01 (or G53 I suppose) commands to move from limit to limit, and preceded by setup moves and spindle (M3) control, and followed M5 after a clearance height move. Then jog the spindle out of your way and inspect your brand new square.

Of course you could do it with CAM and an engrave operation, or as somebody else suggested jog the machine around its limits. Since I am not familiar with the jog control I’d probably prefer to let the machine control the feed rate to limit witness marks.

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