Do I need LightBurn If I have Vcarve Pro for Jtech

Hello everyone,
I am very new to using the Jtech laser from Onefinity, Do I need to buy LightBurn to design and use with my Onefinity machine? If I have Vcarve Pro already, The two programs look similar for designing. I don’t want to buy another software program if Vcarve can do my designs and pathways If I dont’t have too. any help will be greatly appreciated.


I paid the $50 for the V-Carve add-on and it has been great and easy to transition between the two options. I had a small learning curve for the set up, but I am going to put together a cheatsheet to help others out.


Go with the vcarve laser module as it ties in beautifully with your carving project.

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Dean, a cheatsheet would be much appreciated.

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Thank you for the information. I will go with the Add on for Vcarve. and yes a cheat sheet would be nice.

Thank you for your input.

I have a college graduation to go to, but hope to have the cheat sheet done by Monday…

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I for one would love that cheat sheet I have tried the vcarve pro Laser module and I could not get it to come close to what lightburn does open the cheat sheet shows me what adjustments need to be made

Not sure if my cheat sheet will help make up for functionality that is available only in one piece of software… I have not used lightburn, but assuming it may be more powerful than the VCarve addon. Mine is more about how to get it to up and running, work consistently and things I have learned along the way. More of a summary of all the different threads that are out there right now.

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