i watched the official 1F video on the Easy ATC and noticed that the bit he was inserting into the collets had little rings around the shanks are these some special kind of bits?
Those are just o-rings to keep the bit from falling out when the bit/nut is loaded into the tool changer station.
I believe the O-rings keep the endmills from being drawn up into the collet after repeated tool changes.
I stand corrected. I thought they were being placed on the other side. Shows how much interest I had in that thing
Not a solution for everyone, that is true.
If the shank extends past the collet at the anterior end, an O-ring could be placed there as well to keep loose endmills from dropping lower between repeated tool changes.
The latter raises the hot topic of how far into a collet the endmill should go, and if the shank should ever protrude out the back even a little (not enough to bottom out in the spindle taper of course).
Ditto to that. Also, to your original question Robert, no special bits required.
thanks, I appreciate getting an answer that is clear and to the point. Looks like I will be buying yet another item for my cnc adventure. LOL or does the atc come with them?
I looked on amazon and they sell kits with a multitude of sizes for a very reasonable price.
I have the Rapidchange ATC, not the 1F model, I Use a short piece of shrink tubing to keep the end mill from sliding down in the collet, I found that I need 3" long endmills because of this to have longer cutting, depth.
The ATC works very well by the way, just finished making 100 chess pieces with 4 tool changes each and no issues.
Thanks, Pat