Does the Masso controller display the project time remaining (approx) anywhere?

While the project is running on the Masso controller, is the time remaining available to view anywhere? I can see the current job time (duration), but not the reverse.

While on this subject, is there a good tutorial on the Masso Controller that anyone can recommend? I’ve looked at some videos and the Masso website, but haven’t seen a thorough, A-Z type guide of the controller with Onefinity yet.

Yes, time and percent… neither are totally accurate. I did a job and it was stuck in the 90% range for more than 10% of the time

Masso site is as good as it gets to my knowledge, but a lot of it is outdated too.

Where are they located? I dont see either the time remaining or percentage anywhere on my job screen.

It only shows time lapsed and percent done. It does not have a time remaining. If you’d like this feature, send them a request through their page (do not send the request to Onefinity as Masso wouldn’t see it) forum and/or create a ticket with them.

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Thank you, i thought it was time remaining.
That’s what i get for going off memory when i can’t confirm

Check out the YouTube channel CNC Nutz. Its run by the Masso forum support person. Lots of helpful videos there.

CNC Nutz

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