I have an MDF wasteboard about a year old, resurfaced twice. When I use double sided tape it often pulls up chunks of the MDF. The MDF didn’t do this when it was new. I have had parts fail because the MDF is pulling loose before the tape is.
Has anyone found a solution to this?
I have thought of coating the top with a
sealer but did not want drips in the dog holes.
I was moving away from the masking + CA glue because of the fumes. The fuzzies were causing that to fail as well. I will break out the shellac and report back.
I have had issues with cheaper/poorer quality MDF.
I use Medite MDF not the cheapest but by far the best.
sand to 360ish brush off and coat of sanding sealer. leave that to dry for a good few hours.
I then use Painters Tape, CA Glue and Activator
To remove parts I use a very thin decorators scraper, if any tape is left or the spoil board starts to look uneven i lightly rub over with some 400G on a flat block of hard wood.
Habits from a machining apprenticeship 30+ years ago where we used to gently stone a machine tape before bolting parts or fixtures to it must have conditioned me lol