ELITE Test File


Did you know that the Team Onefinity sign that came with your CNC was actually cut by your machine? That’s not just for style points. Every CNC we make is fully assembled, tested, and checked for quality before leaving our facility. The g-code that comes pre-loaded is what we use to make sure your machine is in tip top shape before it ships out. Pretty neat, huh?
That’s why we recommend repeating this test after you first set up your CNC. This is the easiest way to ensure that the machine was correctly assembled, and to get you familiar with how the machine works. You’ll load a program, position and secure your material, and learn the basic order of operations to be successful with your own designs. Not to mention, you end up with a pretty snazzy little sign for your shop!

GCODE (Load this on the controller):
Onefinity Elite Test Carve.nc (29.3 KB)
**Note, This file will enable the auto start of the router and vac ports. (m3 (router) and m8 (vac) respectively)

VCarve Design File (requires V11.5 or later to open) (Open this on your computer to edit design)
ELITE Test Carve.crv (118 KB)

Gcode Specs:
Bit - 1/4 endmill (downcut or upcut) (3 on Makita Router Speed Dial)

XY Zero Point - Lower left

Material Size - 11" wide, 4" tall, .50" thick

Spindle Speed - 18000 rpm (3 on Makita Router)

Feed Rate - 200ipm