Using the CA glue and blue tape method, Ive sent project material flying across the shop, it hasn’t worked. Can this be solved by lowering feed rate so bit doesn’t push as much? Using original woodworker machine and 1/4” upcut bit.
Thanks, Mark
Yes to both questions. What feed rate do you use?
With a .250 bit you should be able to cut .125 x .125 at 80 to 100 rate. I have started using brads more and or bracing around the part. The glue does gum up the bit, when it cuts trough.
Where is the failure taking place?
if you break down the layers of the holding method and look at the failure it should give you some clue to the fault
- tape to spoil board
- tape to material
Ensure both are dust free and flat
Quality of tape
Is the tape old or cold
Type of CA glue and activator
Medium or thick viscosity and ensure the activator is compatible with the glue
There is a big difference in the quality across the range of glues.
Can you change from an up cut bit to a down cut
An upcut is literally trying to lift the material off the spoil board you may need to tweak your toolpaths or how you finish the item once its off the machine.
Hope this helps
I’ve used the CA glue and tape method hundreds if not thousands of times without any problems. I’ve had more jobs fail because of poor clamping vs the blue tape method. The only caveat I can give is don’t ever peel the tape up after putting it down - that is almost always recipe for failure.
I generally use 80-120ipm at 50% DOC with a 1/4" end mill.
Just curious what brand of tape and glue you are using? Not all blue tape is equal.
Upcut is trying to remove your material from the wasteboard. Where is the failure? Between the tape layers or removing from one of the surfaces? I have only had ca fail on brass with cutting oil after the brass got hot. Never had tape and ca on wood fail when surfaces are smooth and clean and I vurnish the tape in. Also be sure to let the glue cure.
@cyberreefguru Tom, when you say “peel the tape up after putting it down” do you mean repositioning the tape before gluing?
I’m assuming so and know why that would set you up to fail.
Yes, any amount of pulling the tape up after it’s down will significantly weaken the holding power with the blue tape. Also, it only takes a little bit of saw dust or even finger prints to dramatically reduce the holding power as well.
I have cut 1/8" thick aluminum using just blue tape and CA for a hold down.
I find that if I poly or shellac my spoil board after I surface it the tape gets a better hold on the mdf board. That being said I have mostly switched to 2 sided tape for my hold downs.
That’s what I had figured on doing also, @BrokenLimb . I have some good double stick tape for woodworking I already use with other power tools.
And I had been wondering if I should poly my MDF since it will be in a garage in Florida and we are about to enter 80%+ humidity season. I was worried even the poly would swell it. I guess you answered that for me as well.