Adding Blue painters tape and CA glue to material thickness?

This is obviously a popular hold down option that I have yet to try. I’m wondering if any of you typically add the thickness of the two laters of tape into your overall material thickness.

Usually yes, but not by trying to directly measure the thickness of tape and then adding that to material thickness. If you are referencing from the spoilboard rather than from the surface of the material, you can extend the tape on the spoilboard beyond the material being carved, place the probe on the tape before establishing z-zero, and when the material is cut free with your final profile toolpath, the underlying tape is cut but not the spoilboard.


0.1mm seems to work well for me for 2 layers and glue
Finished cut usually scuffs the layer of tape attached to the workpiece.
Sometimes increase slightly if I want to leave an onion skin to keep the parts more secure

I use the tape and CA method for almost all of my projects. I never adjusted any of my numbers to account for the tape and cannot say it ever had a negative impact on a project. I will usually reference the material surface for doing the detail work, and then do a toolpath that references the bed for cutting it out. When doing the cut outs, I probe on the bare spoilboard and it cuts perfectly through the tape and doesnt touch my spoilboard. Hope this helps.

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Yes, good point! I did not consider that in my reply.