Measurement option for z between last probe and current of thickness reading

Example, zero using probe on spoilboard. move over probe on top of material. Run measure macro and it will probe z, then pop up with thickness between the new zero and the last zero.

easy way to measure thickness of boards already on your machine, and get true reading after tape/ca glue, or double sided tape.


That’s a pretty cool idea.

Layne…Measure macro? Are you using touch plate in each case, I’d assume? Would you consider a short video upload of these ?'s

I don’t have anything yet, but i’m working on this on my other machine and thought this would be nice to know what machine thinks thickness is.

i have a cnc4newbie with uccnc and i’m working several macros like this for it. and thought this would be a nice add for onefinity if possibe.