I’m new to CNC. I’ve assembled the machine to the best of my ability. I’m now trying to get a wasteboard setup. I posted this recently in that forum. No replies yet. May I ask for help on how to get started here please? Thanks all. This is the original post.
A v bit is not appropriate for surfacing.
If you double click the surface tool path it should identify the bit thst was programed.
You can save each tool path as a individual file, and run them separately. Or combine them with tool changes.
I would suggest starting by saving each tool as its own file for simplicity.
Have you loaded the post processor into vetric for your machine ?
1/4" Spiral router bit 1/4" shank:
Downcut Spiral Router Bits 1/4 inch Shank, 1/4 inch Cutting Diameter https://a.co/d/cpdmdsV
Spiral Router Bits Up Down Compression Bit 1/4 inch Cutting Diameter https://a.co/d/5yncoZj
I see now I can uncheck each box and then I can save the file. I’m not all the way through the video yet. I’ll work through the Vetric tutorials to learn how to do some simple stuff and try this again. Thanks all.
There is also a video on numbering your tools- in vetric and your controller
The number need to be the same. Example “tool 1 is a surfacing bit’ tool 10 is 1/4” down cut. I mainly use aliexpress for all my wood endmills for cost reasons. I use expensive endmills for aluminium machining.
Your set up looks great! Cant wait to to see it covered in dust.
1/4" Spiral router bit 1/4" shank:
Downcut Spiral Router Bits 1/4 inch Shank, 1/4 inch Cutting Diameter https://a.co/d/cpdmdsV
Spiral Router Bits Up Down Compression Bit 1/4 inch Cutting Diameter https://a.co/d/5yncoZj
I need to learn how to use Vcarve. I’ve seen that term. I’m currently unable to answer that question. Thanks. I’ll back up and start the tutorials Vetric provides on YouTube. Any book suggestions?
When I resurface I only take a 2mm deep pass with a 25mm (diameter) bit.
It can be overwhelming when first starting; like riding a bike.
I cant remember if you are using a router or spindle?
After you surface your spoil board you will find out how your tram is. (Front or back the z axis will tip the spindle/router) This can happen for many reasons. Table not flat ( one of the mounting feet out my a mm or 2)- videos on youtube.
You would see/feel ridges on the work piece, this will be compounded by larger diameter tools. If that makes sense.
After this, grab your first test piece of wood. Get the length and width and thickness and enter that into vetric as a new job. Draw some shapes, square with a circle in it. Now you have 2 tool paths. Pocket the circle with your 1/4" bit down 3mm (1/8") depth of cut, then cut a profile cut of the square.
Repeate this several times, you will notice in the tool path section there are many things you can check, ramp, stock to leave, tabs, multiple depths, finishing passes ect.
Try them all to get a understanding of what they do and how they affect the final product.
Then work on tool changes.
Be conservative, at first…1/4" bit, dont cut deeper than the diameter of the tool to start.
Hi Ryan, thank you! I’m through the first video. I was able to get the toolpath saved for tracing with the Post Processor. I appreciate the time you took to put that together for me very much. I’ll continue to work on this. Here’s a video of where I am on the setup.
Hi Dustin, congrats on your new machine! I hope you are having a ton of fun!
Don’t forget to make an active choice at some point about which software package you learn. The pros and cons of different packages have been debated endlessly and any successful commercial package will have its adherents, by definition. I would suggest checking out a few of those debates before too long and see if any of the arguments are of interest. If so, keep reading. If not, onward!
I’m being careful because your thread shouldn’t devolve into a debate about “which software”. Each one of us made choices based on our personal circumstances and goals.
I found learning the software to be the biggest time investment in my CNC journey. Re-learning a different package someday is inevitable, but it’s less annoying if we are expecting it. If nothing else, I only chimed in with this so you expect it (either now or later) and it makes your journey more fun. Cheers!
Much appreciated, thank you. It’s a steep learning curve for sure. I’m working on the fundamentals still. Appreciate the choice of software advice. We made that choice and was able to buy a license with the machine. Yes, each has their pros and cons. Thanks again!
Hi again all. The holidays and work are keeping me from the CNC. Y’all have gotten me started. I can see I’m a ways away from using the machine. I’ll pick this back up after new years. Merry Christmas all and thank you!
hi all, I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Years. I’m back to the CNC and have been relearning today as it’s been a while. I’ve come to a blocker. I have the SAE post-processor installed for my machine. Trying to save the toolpaths I see the file thinks the tracing and surfacing toolpaths use the same tool. They don’t. I can’t seem to get a screenshot of it. Tracing uses a v-bit. Surfacing uses a 3/4" endmill.
I do have a proper surfacing bit. I think I can manually add this to the tool database. I don’t know all the specs for it though such as feed, speed, plunge and whatever else I don’t know about At the moment, i don’t think I can go any further. Might anyone be able to advise how to add the surfacing bit to V-Carve and suggest specs? Looks like I can add a group and a tool. I can measure the diameter and the like with digital calipers. I’m guessing though at this point. Advice appreciated! Thank you all!
Google found the tool database for the manufacturer of the surfacing bit. Following the instructions I’m to download then import it. I’m not seeing how to import it. A screenshot of the tools database is above. Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
Figured it out. Leaving this incase it helps others in the future. The import button is subtle. It’s found at the bottom left of the tool database dialog.
Work has kept me busy since I was last here. I’m going to try to get back to the CNC this weekend. No progress since my last post. Thanks everyone for all your kind help so far. I’ll get going I hope soon. More to come. Thanks!
Hi all, with your help, I think I’m nearly ready to try this. I have the files prepared and am able to load the tracing tool path into the G3. I need to adjust my dust boot on the spindle. Currently it crushes the bristles too much I think. After this, I’ll try it. More to come.
I found the Dry Run Mode and tried this with the tracing tool path provided. I have an idea of this here iCloud Photos - Apple iCloud is it the Dry Mode causing the error? I can manually move the X & Y anywhere with no errors. I’m stuck again. Please help. Thanks!
I was doing it wrong :). Homed the machine at the front left corner. The instructions say to zero at the center of the wasteboard. Now I think that is just to find the center of the wasteboard. Home should be the front left corner. Exciting. Had this since September. I’ve yet to cut anything. Here’s it on video. iCloud Photos - Apple iCloud