Full Set Up in New Hampshire

Hello, my husband passed a month ago and has a full set-up of cnc and laser, but I have no clue other than the little bit of information he gave me when he was in the hospital. I am looking to sell everything, but due to the amount of stuff it would need to be pick-up only. I am posting under his login so you can do a search on his posts to see what it is that he used and is available. Please reach out with any questions. I can take and post pictures.


I am so sorry for your loss.

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Definitely post pictures of the whole setup and maybe ask forum members for help to evaluate it all. If this includes a laser and 1F definitely don’t sell it to first comers for $1K!

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Maybe an experienced user who is in the area could step in as a broker for her, for a commission. ??

This would ease the burden, and make sure both the seller and the buyer walk away happy.

My condolences to you, Mrs Edwood


I’m a hobbyist woodworker located in Boston and I would be interested in purchasing. Fairly new to CNC, so this would be amazing. Would you mind sharing specs or photos?

I am also interested in this machine. If you have pictures or any information I would appreciate it.

Very sorry for your loss.

Thank you to those that have reached out and sent condolences, I do appreciate it. Chris reached out via my husband’s facebook messenger and we did connect and I believe he has an idea of what is available. The room that everything is in is a bit of a mess, but anyone local is welcome to set up a day/time to take a look. I kept Ed’s phone on for now whilst I’m taking care of things, so anyone local and interested can text his phone at 603-275-4191. Everything is in Epsom, NH. Please be patient if I don’t respond quickly, I work full time for a non profit and am trying to juggle a lot of things right now.

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So she has an original machinist 16x16 with a vfd spindle
The laser appears to be a monoport k40 laser

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