Furry masking is a pita

So, on my Journeyman w/bb ctrlr I’ve been doing some logo cutting and the masking is not cutting cleanly.
It has furry edges.
Normally I would be using a v-bit, but in this case I’m doing shallow cuts in painted mdf with Oramask 813/cricket masking. Both have the same result.
See pics, takes a fair bit of time to clean up the fuzz with an X-Acto knife.

Using fresh 1/16” down cut bit from Sienci Labs.10pk have 5 left.
Vectric pocket tool path, 1/64th depth.

The 1/16” down cut bit is using
Feed 55ipm, plunge 20ipm,
makita speed @#3.
I was wondering if I was running the bit too fast. I looked up the Sienci s&f data
Feed 33ipm plunge 16.9ipm makita #3.
So it was a bit fast, but not insane for
such a shallow cut.
Never had a problem like this before. With larger signs it has never been a problem, unless the v-bit was dull.
Any suggestions?
Or is it just the nature of the beast.

What is the wood and what masking are you using?