Live Q&A Session for Onefinity New User and Users with Onefinity on Order

Hey everyone,
Mitz Pellicciotta, Layne Mims and IJ.R. Reihl will be hosting a LIVE Q&A event Friday 12/3/21 at 8pm eastern for new or anticipated owners! Hope to see you there:

Join Zoom Meeting…

Meeting ID: 839 2223 5243

Passcode: 565498

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Meeting ID: 839 2223 5243

Passcode: 565498

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Cool but who are these people?
I am not familiar with them by name alone.

I’ve seen them primarily on the FB group, all quite active & helpful.

Oh I didn’t know there was a facebook group.
Is it more active than this forum?

I don’t have a Facebook account but wondering if I am missing out :smiley:

I am on both regularly. There is some overlap in content and members. I find I often link to posts here however, when answering users questions from the FB group.


These are some of the people that test for onefintiy, and do help with troubleshooting and customer questions. A lot on facebook, but i catch a good number from here. all great guys with lots of experience.

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Nicely done session Layne, Mitz & JR.


It was very well done for the first meeting! I bet there’s lots of folks looking forward to the next one.

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