I am seeking wisdom.
My basic problem is demonstrated with machining a wooden table leg. ( think white oak, I will need 4 or 8 of these ) My concerns are about part registration, and hold downs.
I have a Journeyman with a QCW frame.
My table leg:
This would be a two sided carve to create the tenon cheeks. The two black dots would be for 2, 0.25" gage pins.
- Are two gage pins the correct amount?
- Am I like to get a repeatable snug fit right off of the 1F or should I get close and hand plane the cheeks?
To hold the material I would screw the material to the fixture. Notice 2 screws in each cut out to prevent the waste from being liberated across the room.
- Is this enough to hold the piece in place (yes interior screws scare me, but I should be able to validate the cuts in scrap first)
- other hold down suggestions? (I don’t think painter tape and glue would be enough… but I use that approach a lot)
My fixture would consist of just a 3/4 inch sheet of MDF and look like:
The 8 outer holes would clamp the jig to the surface, with the other two smaller holes being for the gage pins.
Now my QCW frame surface has already been flattened. I know I would need to flatten the fixture the first time I use it, But if it is removed and later re-installed in the same slots and the same Y position on the frame will it need to be resurfaced?
Lot’s of questions … somehow I think an adult beverage should be shared will discussing this