I purchased a low cost 5v MPG from China without the 15 pin connector. Physically it appears identical to the Masso MPG. I was able to use Google Translate on the Chinese description to identify each color coded wire to its intended function. I did open the back case and confirmed the connections and as well confirmed with a multimeter. I will be soldering up the wires to a15 pin D shell connector. I was able to find a right angle connector housing and hoping it will fit in the Masso G3 Touch enclosure space. I won’t have my Masso Elite for awhile yet and was wondering if someone would measure the distance from the Masso MPG connector to the RH edge of the aluminum backplate. Somehow having an open connector without its housing seems a little amateurish to me.
I also ordered the pendent without the E-stop button. I felt having the larger E-stop button on the controller close at hand was more practical for me.
Following along on this. Don’t have mine yet either, but I was planning on a right angle adapter on the masso mpg and wonder about it fitting in there.
I have access to a 3D printer but I would need an stl file from somewhere. I have no skills or design software at this point. I’m not going to rotate the G3. Just not that important.