Hi everyone
I`m about to order either the “Pro Forman” or the “Elite Forman”. I was hoping you could give me advice which accessory’s are a must have an which are somewhat not needed. As there is quite a long delivery time I want to make sure I have the most complete order to start when its there.
I was thinking to build my own table as I want to make a vertical milling section of my parts (eg. dovetail machining)
I was thinking to go with holes instead T-tracks. Is there any kind of dowel clamps you would recommend?
At the moment I have this in my basket:
For the ELITE:
- dust boot pro
- touch probe
- easy z-tool setter
- stiffy and Makita mount
As this one is not working with the joypad. What do you use for manual fine movement? I couldn`t find any option for this.
For the PRO:
- dust boot
- touch probe
- stiffy and makita mount
- wifi joypad
I would love to hear what works great for you and what you might have which to have when you started.
Im not a total newbie to cnc as I do cnc programing for work but I
m not the operator on the machine.
Kind Regards