Order the right accessories

Hi everyone
I`m about to order either the “Pro Forman” or the “Elite Forman”. I was hoping you could give me advice which accessory’s are a must have an which are somewhat not needed. As there is quite a long delivery time I want to make sure I have the most complete order to start when its there.

I was thinking to build my own table as I want to make a vertical milling section of my parts (eg. dovetail machining)
I was thinking to go with holes instead T-tracks. Is there any kind of dowel clamps you would recommend?

At the moment I have this in my basket:
For the ELITE:

  • dust boot pro
  • touch probe
  • easy z-tool setter
  • stiffy and Makita mount
    As this one is not working with the joypad. What do you use for manual fine movement? I couldn`t find any option for this.

For the PRO:

  • dust boot
  • touch probe
  • stiffy and makita mount
  • wifi joypad

I would love to hear what works great for you and what you might have which to have when you started.
Im not a total newbie to cnc as I do cnc programing for work but Im not the operator on the machine.

Kind Regards

Hey Thomas,

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Welcome to the forum!

Stiffy isn’t necessary for either machine unless you are going to use 2.2kw spindle and want to be on the safe side. I would get everything else you have in the cart. If you go with non-elite, joypad makes life much easier. For elite, there is pendant that has the same functionality as the joypad, but 1F does not sell the pendant. If you search the forum you’ll see some people have used off branded pendant. Hope it helps.

Thank you very much.