@FrankP Created a map for Onefinity owners. Google Maps has a limit on how many pins get a color we have already reached it. Still can add your name (does not have to be your whole name just first is ok) please add the Woodworker or Machinist just these names. I will keep an eye on the list and update and correct errors.
Onefinity Owners Map
Just dropped my pin!
Terry - Gonzales, LA - Woodworker for Jan 2021 delivery
Here is the link to the form for adding your information so it will get placed on the map.
*** Please do not edit the map to add your information.***
Trying to enter the info in the form but it doesn’t seem to be adding my info.
How long after you submit before the info shows up?
Hi Stephane
I tied it works ok from my Windows 10 PC. What browser are you using?
Hi Frank,
I have tried with both Brave and Chrome on Ubuntu 20.04.
I have also just tried on my Windows 10 machine with the same result.
Twitter name at the bottom does not say it is required but it also does not say it is optional like Facebook Page. Is Twitter name required?
I believe I added my information correctly - sometime in the last few days. Is my Woodworker pin not showing because there is already one for Toronto, ON?
OK now I understand the confusion. It is a manual process for me to import the list to the map. I will delete you extra entries you have made.
Twitter is optional.
No worries.
I can see the marker now.
Great job. Love the idea.
Map has been updated, as of 7/12/2022.
just completed the form, I’ll be the first one logged, in my province!
Love this idea. I claim Long Island, NY being the first pin LOL
Ok I think I added my name lol I seem to be the only one in this part of NC.
Okay, I filled out the Google Docs Form linked above and submitted. How long does it take to show up on the map? Camarillo,Ca.
I have updated the map now. It is a manual process Google does not have it automated. Some people don’t know their own state or put their home address in the location, so it takes time to clean up the data.
Thanks Frank, really cool to know who is in my area. Alas, kinda sparse in my neck of the woods.
@FrankP is the form no longer available?
It is still available. Open this link. https://forms.gle/ZE5Dha6uVLnc3GtL7