Paid and proud CNC owner

So I’m from England UK :uk: I just spent roughly $11,000 only yesterday but…what I didn’t know is, £260.19p came out of my account today for a ‘non transaction fee’ how come this happened? I was not aware as nothing was stated in you purchase agreement or options, any chance I could have that sent back? I’m a solid customer and will be for future upgrades, please let me know if this is possible, many thanks

Jonny King :+1:t2:

After taxes,.or VAT, and shipping, once you factor in the currency conversion it’s VERY easy to spend that much.

Is it possible that service fee is from your bank for the currency conversion?

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That’s a fee from your bank, most likely a currency conversion fee (we have no control over this nor do we charge it). Please call your bank to discuss why it charged you that fee.

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Ok thanks for letting me know, I have another question…I purchased the v carve Pro software too, how do I receive this?

Thankyou I received my Vcarve Pro V12 software and very happy with it, is there any update on when my elite foreman, 2.2kw 220v spindle and 64w laser amongst a few other items arrives please guys?

Same boat, probably February at the earliest

I got an email saying 7 to 12 business working days but, had no updates :person_shrugging:t2::thinking: