Possible contender for woodworker base?

Yeah don’t judge me too harshly for being on Temu. :crazy_face:

I came across the following and thought that it might be a good option for a base for the woodworker series: https://share.temu.com/xhXVpbk3VeC. The top is rubberwood, so the first order would be to seal that before assembly. I figured two of these could be welded together or bolted together or both. It’s height adjustable and has caster’s. Other than being on Temu can anybody else see any shortcomings?

I just circled back because I realized with the amount of weight this thing can hold that you could fashion a larger top for something like the journeyman. So my initial comment was a little short-sighted in regards to the woodworker series.


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Just a few hours before seeing this post I had ordered a set of bench legs from Amazon for $80. When I saw this, I cancelled that order & ordered one of these on Temu. Thanks for the link, I’ll report back once I get it.


I’m glad the timing worked out so well! I really hope they work great for you and I can’t wait to hear back. Thanks, Bill!


Thanks Mike, I’m sure it will be great. I converted my old machine into a dedicated laser, and it was on an old desk which I wanted to raise up more or less level with my CNC table. However, it was too ghetto for my taste (which was only intended to be temporary anyway), which sent me to Amazon to look for the proper legs. But the Temu bench looks quite similar to my existing table, so it should look much better, and be a lot more stable. The existing one is truly as flimsy as it looks. :joy:


Wooo… you made the right choice buying when you did. The tables are $141 now! So, you nearly got a two-for-one deal. :smile:

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I guess so! The full table was a whopping 62 cents more than the legs I had initially ordered from Amazon. That was definitely a win!

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Received yesterday (2/1) and put together today. Very nice bench! Noticeably lighter duty than the Gladiator that the 1F is on, but certainly HD enough for a 3020 based laser machine.

The bottom is sealed, and the top is finished to a very nice quality looking surface. It was supposed to be rubberwood (which I don’t know firsthand what that looks like), but this looks like Bamboo to me. Perhaps the 2 look similar. One thing to be aware of if considering ordering this: the description says 24" x 48". In fact, it’s only 21 5/8" x 47 1/4" [54.9 cm x 120.0 cm]. Also, mine did not come with the swivel casters as shown, but it did have a set of really nice non-slip feet. No love lost there because I really didn’t want the casters anyway, but nevertheless they were missing, so I may contact the seller. Overall very happy with it, especially for the price.

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WOW! That looks super nice. Bummer on the casters. They were locking, and that’s kind of what I was thinking of would be to use them but lock them when running the machine. Thanks for sharing man. Hopefully others can get it too. Tariffs and all that.



The tariffs for Temu will only be 10% as it’s coming from China. The ones on our friends are 25%. Temu will probably bump the price a bit but it won’t be really noticable. Based on how fast he got it, they may have warehoused a bunch of stuff pre-tariffs so they could avoid price bumps for a bit.

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You’re correct in that, my concern is how other countries are going to respond and possibly raise prices. Like I said pretty tariffs it was $80 or so and now they’re about $140 a piece. At any rate, they are pretty good find. Like I said one could simply mount aboard on top of the two to make a bench larger than that.

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Update: I contacted the seller and brought up the issue of not including the swivel casters, and the fact that the bench is 21", and not 24" as described. They ended up giving me a 50% refund!


Well, that’s amazing! I mean you got it for about half off and then half off again. Nice!

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