I live in Thailand, and heat/humidity is a real issue in a non-climate controlled shop.
If I had my druthers, I’d get some combination of the QCW, Stand, Hang on Wall, etc. Unfortunately, the import Duty of 45%, combined with the shipping costs of $1600 (no complaint, just a fact) would put the total kit (Unit and accessories) price out of my fixed income reach. So, I’m looking to ways to reduce the total kit price.
I am looking to build my own table top from local materials. Like I said, heat/humidity is an issue, and I’m worried about swelling in the table (waste board too, but I’ll stick with MDF and skim that regularly.) Also, would like to hang table on wall in order to save workspace.
It is my understanding, that while skimming corrects for any uneven surface in the waste board, having the table uneven is another mater.
How critical is it to have all feet level?
Would like to discuss options for table.
Regular Plywood: Worried swelling in the table will cause 1F to be not level.
HMR: good for moisture, but structurally just MDF. Screws may pull free.
Marine Grade Plywood: Not been able to locate any. Many forums related to Marine Plywood state that it must be imported into Thailand. (Back to issue above with import duty.)
Rig something from extruded Aluminum: No experience with that, and not sure I could do it for under the 1F accessory price after trial and error phase (and error, and error…)
Have something welded up: Labor here is CHEAP, but you get what you pay for. Not certain that corners would be level. See point above re: level feet.
Composite Decking: essentially planking, not sheet. thinking of laying decking in one direction, and t-strips in the other. Would I then have to worry about sub-structural 2x4s swelling as well?
Leveling Feet: Works with table in horizontal. Not sure how well it will work if hung vertically.
So, am I over thinking this? or does the hivemind have other suggestions…