Post up them handmade G-codes

Hey Chris,

then you did not discover yet that Markdown which is used in this forum supports code input and syntax highlighting.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    printf("hello, world\n");
o10 sub
    #31 = [#<_z> + #<_offset_z>]
    o20 if [#31 LT #3]
                ; check whether current Z position is at
                ; safe height
        (debug, Z position is #31, so first moving Z to safe height #3,
            only then going to X=#1 Y=#2)
        G53 G0 Z#3
        G0 X#1 Y#2
    o20 else
        (debug, Z position is #31, which is already at the safe height #3,
            so directly going to X=#1 Y=#2)
        G53 G0 Z#3
        G0 X#1 Y#2

    o20 endif
o10 endsub

o10 call [123] [321] [-10]
                ; set X and Y to move to; also set safe Z
                ; height here (the latter in G53 machine
                ; coordinates)


--- .xinitrc_orig       2021-05-24 19:24:48.139999053 +0200
+++ .xinitrc    2023-11-26 02:29:35.549773119 +0100
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
         # Start browser
         /usr/local/bin/browser --no-first-run --disable-infobars \
-         --noerrdialogs --disable-3d-apis http://localhost/
+         --noerrdialogs --disable-3d-apis --start-fullscreen http://localhost/

PS: For even more pretty print, I use a HTML Table, e.g. here. Not all elements and attributes are supported in markdown, but “table”, “tr”, “td” and “th” are. “colspan” is unfortunately not.

  <tr><th>This is the table header row</th><th></th></tr>
  <tr><td>This is a table cell.</td><td>This is another table cell</td></tr>
  <tr><td>And one more table row.</td><td>This is another table cell.</td></tr>


This is the table header row
This is a table cell.This is another table cell.
And one more table row.This is another table cell.
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