PwnCNC ATC Dust Boot!

If you have the PwnCNC ATC, you should probably look at this. This boot will allow you to maximize your Z-travel/clearance and have maximum tool density. I’m very happy with how it’s come out.

It’s available for pre-order now at a small discount.


Congratulations on a well thought out design. Having worked on several iterations of an ATC compatible dust shoe myself, I really appreciate the design (and mental) challenges involved. I think you did a great job making it functional, while at the same time user friendly. I also like your clear explanation of the design limitations and requirements. Many current and future ATC owners will be very happy with your efforts and product.


Thanks! It was a challenging one with so many limitations. I closely follow your content as well. Very interesting.


Outstanding Produkt!! I am also grateful for all the videos you are making regarding the Onefinity improvements, including this one! What a benefit to the whole community!

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would this work with a small linear actuator rather than the pneumatic piston?

Do you have a specific product in mind? I suspect we cannot shorten it much as we need a fair amount of stroke. Pneumatic solutions are also more fault tolerant, which part of the consideration.

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Is it because you have one that you can repurpose, or do you see advantages of using it over its pneumatic counterpart?

I would be using it for a different kind of ATC and dont have a pneumatic source. I was just curious and not expecting you to redesign this awesome product. Just curious to see if I could adapt for my usage.

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I’m curious what you have. I would be willing to look at your application and see if I can do something. Find me on the site or PM here, and I’m happy to consider it.

I actually have a bunch of parts and likely would make something custom for this. Since I have the older controller and the RC-ATC rather than PWNCNC, I have been working on pushing the BB controller to see what I can get it to do. I would be using load1 and an ATTiny to control a stepper motor most likely just like I did with the dust cover.

its all just a fun experiment to see what I can do… the dust boot is my next problem to solve and I loved this retracting solution.

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Sounds like a unique challenge - but a good one.
Do you have the Z16 or Z20 80 mm Z axis assembly?

I’d be interested in a front position ATC boot with better suction as you alluded to in one of your videos.

I have the z20, currently using the v10 dustboot from PNWCNC with some customizations that I made to also hold my jtech laser inside