My touch probe seems to have stopped working quite a while back. I contacted Onefinity and was told it was the cable. However, I have always been extremely careful when removing the cable (magnet) from the collet, and can’t see any damage to the cable itself at all.
The cable, and touch probe, only carried a 30 day warranty as an aftermarket product. I live in the UK and I have no problem with the $17.50 for the cable, but am reluctant to pay the $25 for the shipping of a tiny cable. I’d rather order when/if I get other accessories in the future (eg; Z motor brake) to make the postage costs of more value.
However, I still have a niggling feeling this can be easily fixed. I saw a post saying ‘after market spindles can have an effect on how the probe works, depending on how the manufacturer grounds their spindle\VFD’.
The first VFD spindle I had (same brand), had to be replaced due to an accident with the spindle (my fault), and a problem with the VFD (not my fault). The spindle I use is a Huanyang 2.2kw, with matching VFD, and I am using the Elite series of machine (Masso controller).
When I touch the bit with the probe to test, there is no change at the top of the screen, or on the F1 screen. I’m pretty sure the cable is ok, as there is no visible damage, and was always stored away safely. The join to the magnet is perfect too.
I’m just wondering if there are people cleverer than me who may have a solution that could save me a few dollars on overpriced shipping, and the price of the cable, and also stop me having a $90+ paperweight sat in my CNC table drawer?
If not, as I previously said, I’ll replace the cable eventually, when\if I order future accessories to make the shipping cost more tolerable, and of value.
Thanks in advance.