Touch Probe Masso - Haunyang Spindle & VFD

My touch probe seems to have stopped working quite a while back. I contacted Onefinity and was told it was the cable. However, I have always been extremely careful when removing the cable (magnet) from the collet, and can’t see any damage to the cable itself at all.

The cable, and touch probe, only carried a 30 day warranty as an aftermarket product. I live in the UK and I have no problem with the $17.50 for the cable, but am reluctant to pay the $25 for the shipping of a tiny cable. I’d rather order when/if I get other accessories in the future (eg; Z motor brake) to make the postage costs of more value.

However, I still have a niggling feeling this can be easily fixed. I saw a post saying ‘after market spindles can have an effect on how the probe works, depending on how the manufacturer grounds their spindle\VFD’.

The first VFD spindle I had (same brand), had to be replaced due to an accident with the spindle (my fault), and a problem with the VFD (not my fault). The spindle I use is a Huanyang 2.2kw, with matching VFD, and I am using the Elite series of machine (Masso controller).

When I touch the bit with the probe to test, there is no change at the top of the screen, or on the F1 screen. I’m pretty sure the cable is ok, as there is no visible damage, and was always stored away safely. The join to the magnet is perfect too.

I’m just wondering if there are people cleverer than me who may have a solution that could save me a few dollars on overpriced shipping, and the price of the cable, and also stop me having a $90+ paperweight sat in my CNC table drawer?

If not, as I previously said, I’ll replace the cable eventually, when\if I order future accessories to make the shipping cost more tolerable, and of value.

Thanks in advance.

If you touch the magnet to the touch plate, does it work? if it does then it is not the touch plate or wiring but a problem with the connection between the magnet and the bit. you can put an alligator clip on the wire instead of the magnet and clip it right on the bit. the cable is not anything special just a 2-wire cord and when the bit touches the plate it makes a connection between the wires. If you are unsure how to put the ends on a new wire, I’m sure there is someone in your area that can do it for you just ask on social media in your area.

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Not exactly sure how you are using the probe, but some spindles have ceramic bearings in them which will not conduct electricity, mine has ceramic bearings so if you stick the magnet on the body of the spindle it will not work.

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Thank you all for the advice, so quickly. I’ll check that tomorrow. The poster below put something about the spindle having ceramic bearings which might cause an issue, which I believe it does.
I used to attach the magnet to the bit above the collet (thread), not the collet itself otherwise it wouldn’t work. I don’t know if there is a way to get around the ceramic bearings causing an issue? If there is, I’d be all ears.
I’ll check the magnet against the touch plate first, and them report back tomorrow.
Thanks again guys.

I used to put the magnet on the thread above the collet, not the collet itself, otherwise it wouldn’t work. It was kind of finnicky like that. I believe the spindle does have ceramic bearings, and if it does, is there a way to counter this issue? I’m going to check everything works, by using the top posters method of touching the magnet to the plate and checking for changes in the high\low, or ‘probe’ section at the top of the Masso screen. If that is all good, I’ll report back and go from there. Thank you so, so much for your speedy advice and contribution. Much appreciated.

Thank you all for the advice, so quickly. I’ll check that tomorrow. The poster below put something about the spindle having ceramic bearings which might cause an issue, which I believe it does.
I used to attach the magnet to the bit above the collet (thread), not the collet itself otherwise it wouldn’t work. I don’t know if there is a way to get around the ceramic bearings causing an issue? If there is, I’d be all ears.
I’ll check the magnet against the touch plate first, and them report back tomorrow.
Thanks again guys.

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I tried touching the magnet to the touch plate and unfortunately it didn’t do anything. It’s just really strange as the cable was never damaged, I was always super careful taking the magnet off the collet, never pulling on the cable, but removing the magnet itself. There are kinks or obvious damage on the cable, so I’m stumped?

Did you check to make sure the pins are seated correctly in the molex connectors? You can do a quick continuity test from each pin to the magnet and/or probe, as well. That will tell you if there is a break in one of the wires. You could also have something loose in the Controller/Molex connectors. So many possibilities and most can be solved with doing basic continuity tests with a basic volt meter…

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The magnet on mine came off
I shortened the cable slightly striped the insulation and soldered it onto a new larger magnet without any plastic like what comes as standard, I was never convinced that there was a 100% connection on the original.
I too am in the UK and whilst the price for parts and accessories is not too steep the cost of carriage hits dam hard.
I did email Onefinity last year suggesting that they should look at a uk or European stock holder, I even offered to take it on as it would dovetail in with my business.
My thought was that they could slow boat a shipment of items to me every month for me to hold stock, they could then just email me a packing note and courier label for the items that a customer has ordered and I would dispatch. It would also work for warranty items and could be set up so I had no customer contact or any involvement in warranty claims or finances
We could have agreed on the costs for various packaging and a fee per package dispatched , I would even have been happy to be paid in upgrade parts for my ageing Woodworker.
I have a DHL regional hub (who they use) 3mins away from my unit and also a post office and parcel force depot 5 mins away, there isnt many days that we dont dispatch some packages for our own business, I sent it to a couple of Onefinity email addresses but never heard anything back.
I would still be interested in doing it.
I needed some longer Y motor cable the tail end of last year as I wanted to move the controller and due to the carriage I got a local auto electrician to make them up for me thereby saving the carriage and a little bit more

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As @Dustoff00 mentioned I would check the wires for continuity, This is a simple 2 wire cable with a molex plug so there should be someone in your area that can make a new one for you reasonable.

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I’m completely with you. I have a company that outsources their wooden signs to me here in the UK and it works exactly as you say .I send the signs and paperwork to the customer (supplied by the company), ‘white labelled’ as if it has come direct.
I don’t mind the $17.50 for a replacement cable, but $25.00 for the shipping is extremely high for what is essentially a large\medium letter\envelope.

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Thank you so much for your input. I’ll let you all know how I get on. I was a little disappointed to find that an item sold at $90+ only had a 30 day warranty, as it wasn’t their product.
Onefinity should support any company they choose to work with, in the same way they support their own machines.
Will this be the same situation with the ATC, and Redline Spindle?

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