V2 Vectric Post Processor in Vectric 11

Problem Solved! At least for now.

The OneFinity controller doesn’t like the degree symbol or nested parenthesis. And since I had used them in my TOOLNAME and TOOL_NOTES I had to replace them with something else in the VCarve database.

So if you want to add those items to the top of your gcode so you will know which tool to install and what speed to set it at you can add the following lines of code just above the header section in your post processor.

“%( Tool: [TOOLNAME])”
“%(Tool Note: [TOOL_NOTES])”
“%(Spindle Speed: [S])”

The result looks something like this at the top of your gcode:
%( Tool: Engraving - 30.0deg, Tip 0.05, 1/4")
%(Tool Note: Amana 45705 60 deg V-bit)
%(Spindle Speed: S22000)