Vectric Post Processors For 10.5 or older versions (Download Links Included)

Vectric V11 is out now. The Onefinity machines and post processors are now included in the software and do not require being manually downloaded into the program! There is now a machine configuration management selection pop up box that allows you to select the Onefinity and the specific machine configuration you have.

You should only need to download the below post processors if you are using V10.5 or below.

PP UPDATED 12/16/2020

Here releases of the Post Processors for Vectric. You will need to manually install these. For these, you will need to zero z before running a file using the probe button or manually zeroing z using the 0 (zero) button.

Onefinity (Inch).pp (5.0 KB)
Onefinity (MM).pp (5.1 KB)

There are two methods for adding post-processors to the Vcarve/Aspire software. Depending on the computer settings and web browser being used, downloading the post-processor .pp files may require right-clicking the link and selecting “Save Link as” or “Save target as”.

Step 1 : Downloading the Post-Processor:

  1. Left-click the post-processor link to download the .pp file

a. On most computers, the downloaded .pp file will be saved in the “Downloads folder”

b. Downloading the post-processor .pp files may require right-clicking the link and selecting “Save Link as” or “Save target as”

Step 2 : Adding post-processors to Vcarve/Aspire

Method 1:

  1. Open the “Downloads” folder or the location the post-processor was saved on the computer

  2. Open Vcarve/Aspire

  3. Select File, then Open Application Data folder

a. There should now be two windows open on the computer screen

  1. Right-click on the post-processor .pp file and select “Copy”

  2. Right-click the PostP Folder, and select “Paste”

a. For a shortened list of post-processors, paste any .pp file(s) that are regularly used into the MyPostP folder

  1. Close Vcarve/Aspire

  2. Open Vcarve/Aspire, the post-processor drop-down list will now but updated

Method 2:

  1. Open Vcarve/Aspire

  2. Select “Create a New File”

  3. Select Toolpaths at the top, then “Install Post Processor”

a. A pop-up window will appear

  1. Navigate to the “Downloads” folder or the location the post-processor was saved on the computer

  2. Select the .pp file, then select Open

  3. Close Vcarve/Aspire

  4. Open Vcarve/Aspire, the post-processor drop-down list will now but updated

If you’re running an older version of Vectric, some may give errors for the ‘jet’.
Try using this post processor (ONLY if the above version does not work)
Onefinity (Inch) no jet.pp (4.4 KB)


So do I understand this correctly? I have the probe coming and I’d tool path with the probe one for the first path of any particular bit and then the non for any additional, returning to the probe pp for the first path after a bit Change?

Some people my prefer to have the ‘pp’ ask for the probe between every toolpath, that’s what the probe change would be. Some may prefer to use the probe buttons on the controller manually BEFORE they load a file, that would be the nonprobe labeled pp. It’s a ‘try it out and figure which you’d prefer’ type deal.


Good deal. Thank you.

What does all this mean, I don’t understand what I need to do with this?

Also I use aspire, will this still work since it is from the same company?

Hey Jeremy, The post processor is just the file extension you pick when saving your cut file. For example, if you’re using Aspire to create your design and tool paths, when you go to save your project you need to pick a file extension to save it… this is the post processor. So we have creating one so you can just pick the Onefinity machine. We’ll do a quick video explaining it. Hope I explained this clearly… If not let me know…


I’m going to assume Aspire is the same as Vcarve and tell you this.

Under the file menu click “open application data folder” , this will open file explorer, from there click on “post P” directory, there you will see a butt ton of post processors. Add these four to them. You can also delete any that are machine specific and you are sure you will never use.

Now, over in you file path section on the right, when you click to save your paths these four will be options that you can and should pick.


In your application data folder you should also see a “My_PostP” folder, or you can create it. Any post processors put in there will be the only ones that show in the dropdown then. For me it makes it much easier than having to filter through all them.



Great post Barry! This is helpful to many!


How do I manually install them? It asks how do I want to open file? What app do I use?

Just put them in the “Post P” or the “My Post P” folder and you are done.

Read above on how to easily get to them.

@Mark that actually explains it so much better now. Thank you.

Is there a benefit to using the touch probe after every tool path (even if the next tool path uses the same bit)?

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This one is a little subjective. If it was a short to a medium path and everything is working right it is just a time-waster, after a long cut or it sounded like you were pushing it a bit too hard it pays to check the collet for tightness and re-zero.

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I was able to do it. I was in the program when I did it. Once I restarted the program, it was there.

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Yes sir, restarting a program is often necessary. You will see the same thing if/when you install any “gadgets” (they are another completely different type of plug-in).

Will there be a post processor file for Carbide Create? Or is there a recommendation on which to choose from these:

  • Basic G-Code
  • GRBL
  • Carbide 3D Shapeoko

No, they don’t allow installation of other Post processors. You’d choose GRBL for Carbide Create.


Thanks @OnefinityCNC !

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I am having some trouble opening the link. It asked me what app I want to use to open?? I seen this post already in here but i did not see how to resolve the issue. What am I saving to the post p folder?

What browser? In Chrome or Firefox simply click and download starts. In others you may need to right click and pick “save link as” the four files have the extension of pp.