Anyone using servo motors with custom controller?

I know that @Aiph5u, who is a skilled and devoted curator of information on this site, will be able to provide links to the various threads discussing this. I know there are pros and cons to doing this.

I specifically purchased the 5 axis version of the Masso controller to leave a dedicated axis ‘A’ axis for my planned rotary upgrades. I made a tangential knife and it worked for that prototype. I needed both Y axes to have their own driver and proximity sensor to take advantage of my controllers auto squaring feature. I am not sure how that would work on the BB or Acorn if you were relying on one driver to output the same Step/Dir signals simultaneously to two connected steppers.

There are also electrical issues to consider, as was noted in another topic:

Towards the end of the reading you will find reference to the BB manual that discusses wiring and stepper/driver amperage considerations.

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