B Motor Whines With Tea Kettle Pitch

Is the B-stepper supposed to really whine? I just setup my Elite woodworker and the B-stepper really makes an ear piercing whine. The pitch is like a tea kettle at full boil. The noise is quite irritating. Using my phone I estimate the B-steppers noise at 3-4 KHz. All other steppers are twice that frequency. I tried removing the axis cables one by one to confirm which axis is making the noise. Removing the B1 cable always eliminate the noise.

I was thinking about swapping the B1 and Y1 steppers to confirm the noise followed the motor, but since Onefininty labeled each one uniquely I haven’t done that.

Is this irritation whine common? Any fix for it?

Some noise is normal , ear piercing is not, I would swap motors as they are all the same, you can always swap them back when done.

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I just assembled mine over the weekend and also have a motor(s) giving me a high pitch whine. It started off on a lower pitch and steadily increased. Wouldn’t be so bad if it was while it was moving but its while sitting idle.

These are new machine’s? Curious if the toggle switches are the same both motors? I believe they are the resolution switches. Under the motor cap

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Yes new machine. One of the first things I did was check the switches. They are set correctly (off, on, on, off, on, on).