Bit set for Elite Foreman

@scott312 Here is a thread on starter bits.

A general recommendation is there is no need to go all in on buying every bit you think you might need. Start with a small number of go to bits:
1/4” up cut
1/8” up cut
90° V bit.

Depending on the projects you plan to do, add those specific bits.
Engraving or inlays? Add a 15° *
Plywood? Down cut or Compression bit.
3D? Small** ball nose bit

Stay away from sets since most will go unused…unless the are super cheap. Then you can figure out which you really use. Then buy high quality ones of what you find useful in the set.

Buy quality bits. A $5 dollar savings is not really a big savings. But a 5 pack of HSS at half the price of a quality carbide could be a good deal since early on you May break more bits than you wear out.

  • I use a 15° V but any small angle bit is useful for engraving and inlays. I haven’t used my 60° much. The 90° is good for lots of stuff like chamfers, corners on boxes, etc but has not been useful of engraving and a nonstarter for inlays.

** Small is relative. I have and use both a 1/16” and .25mm radius bits. But I wouldn’t consider the 1/16” R small.

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