Not meaning to beat a dead horse here but… the topic Breaking in a new spindle, I understand the break in procedure and agree that it’s an important step no problem. However the warm-up prior to the days operation? I just wonder if the listed warm-up procedure is what all spindle users go through each time they turn on the CNC? I’m switching from a router to a spindle so I’m certainly do not know. When I run a job with my router I simply load the job and run it. The job starts and stops the router. When I install this new spindle, if following the manual, I’ll have to run the warm-up procedure prior to doing any work that day. Again, I understand the initial break-in. Just asking, and hoping some spindle user’s can provide input. Also is this just the Redline or do all spindles require this warm-up? Thanks
All spindles require this break in and warm up procedures to ensure maximum performance and longer life.
Will it work without it? Sure! Will it perform at its maximum and possible shorten the life of the spindle. Most likely
I’m still months out from having mine in hand but have been following along and learning as much as I can in advance. I’ve seen the other discussions on breakin/warmup as well as the preset programs to run them through the cycle automatically.
What I’m getting here is that I should make a habit of basically powering on and then running a warmup cycle while I go about turning on the rest of the shop for the day??