Cannot completer connection Masso Link in any way. just "connecting...."

So I’ve been able to connect my laptop (Macbook Pro) to the masso controller network in all three manners. Ive been able to connect with my through wifi network with both the fixed and non fixed IP option, and I’ve been able to connect through Masso’s own internal network. The problem is, when I hit the “connect” prompt on the Masso Link app interface, it just endlessly says connecting and I have opportunity to load files Help!!?

create a ticket with masso directly

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I just today am experiencing the same issue, I have been using Masso Link 2.12 since it came out and it has worked flawlessly, today it is as you describe above, did Masso help in any way?

I havent tested it yet but I discovered my Masso was version 5.06 and needs to be v5.07 to connect with Masso Link v2.12. Will try tomorrow.

Thanks for the reply, I am on 5.07 and have been since it came out so that is not my issue, interested to see how you fare.
Thanks, Pat

I only just recently upgraded my X-50 Woodworkers to an Elite machine with the Masso controller. I also cannot get the MASSO Link software to connect to my controller, even though the controller is connected to my network.

Did you ever find a solution to this?

Thank you

Can you confirm that you are using a fixed network setup? I originally had an issue and then switched to fixed and I was able to connect with no issues. I’m on MASSO Link V2.12.

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Yes, I am using a fixed network setup, and I have checked and rechecked all the settings (subnet mask, default gateway, etc.). The Masso connects to my network just fine, but MASSO Link just blinks “connecting”, but never connects.


I’m having the same exact issue. Please share if you ever find a solution

Can you ping the Masso controller from the computer you are trying to connect from? If ping is successful, are you running a firewall on the computer you are trying to connect from?


Ensure you are on firmware 5.07 or higher.
Ensure you match that with the latest masso link, version 2.12

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I went back and carefully redid it per Mitchells workshop You Tube video and all is working as it should now, maybe fat fingers before, not sure.Sorry to not be of more help

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