Masso myWorkshop not connecting and Masso refreshed and solved this for me!

Just wanted to let anyone using Masso myWorkshop know that if things don’t work (“not connecting”) as they should or in my case did, reach out to Masso as your account may need to be refreshed.

I recently noticed on a 10+ hour carve, I was unable to connect remotely and view the process. After trying multiple network solutions on my network, including all resets, fixed IP and non-fixed IP and connecting via my phone hotspot. Nothing worked until I reached out to Masso, reported the issue and this was quickly fixed with a “refresh” of my account. This was on a weekend and on a Sunday. Thanks Masso for the great support!


I am having a same issue. All the sudden my Masso link app on my laptop and phone are not connecting to the Masso G3 Controller. Did you reach out to Masso via email or called them? Can please post the Masso Contact info also? Thank you.

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