I think this post from @SurfinGump will be of interest! They use the breakout board to control spindle and dust collection.
Not sure if this has been done before, either way, here’s my take on things.
Grey plastic box thingy (with lights) that turns Makita router and dust collector motors on and off automatically by way of signaling a Home Assistant (home automation server) when Pin 15 on the Onefinity Breakout Board Adapter goes high, which in turn will control two off-the-shelf smart switches.
Primary Responsibility
Act as a signalling device to my home automation software so it can turn the smart plugs (…
I’m building a system that takes a different approach. I’m using the 1F controller API to read machine state into a Node-RED flow, and automating from there. This avoids the need for the breakout board.
Hi Onefinitians!
My name’s Gary, and I’m a self-taught tech enthusiast working on a project for my Old Man. The goal is a common one here on the forums: turning on dust collection and router power based on the state of the machine. I’m throwing in a multi-camera timelapse setup as well, 'cause it’s cool.
I’ve seen several schemes take advantage of the Onefinity controller’s hardware comms pins for input. @SurfinGump has a great writeup here.
This is clean. If we had a breakout board, I probab…
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