I was wondering if it is possible to build a custom touch probe, solely for the Z-axis. Is it as “simple” as getting a piece of metal stock, connecting it to the controller/spindle to create a closed circuit and changing the probing offset in the controller?
I am more than comfortable with making the actual probe, just not too sure how it interfaces with the controller/software.
Yes. I made xyz probe out of mdf and covered the appropriate surfaces with copper tape. Works like a champ. I will eventually make one out of aluminum. The key is the connector. I used
[molex connector](Molex Micro-Fit 3.0 dual row (2… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078PZY6SM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) from Amazon; also available from your other fine electronics shops like mouser, digikey
Yeah, you absolutely can! In fact, Z axis is all I ever probe. I’m not sure how the Onefinity controller works, but you have to be in a probing mode that only probes the Z axis. The profile shape of the probe plate is not important, just that it’s flat & parallel stock.