Hi Folks. I have a OneFinity Pro series Journeyman machine that has only been used to cut through wood. I’m looking for recommendations on how to cut through .09" aluminum. - Bits, speeds, feeds, ect…
I would check the website of the bits you buy. bitsbits.com has speeds and feeds for most of their bits, I’m sure other manufactures do too.
Their 1/4" upcut bit says 16k-18k spindle speed, and 120-150 inches per minute for aluminum. Could be a place to start!
I’m sure there are bits better suited for metal, but carbide bits will cut through aluminum, as aluminum is softer than it.
that’s way too fast I think
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I thought so too tbh! But I’ve been pretty happy with their feed rates on other materials so far. I would probably start slower and ramp up depending on the results
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Actually, here’s a vid of Morgan doing some aluminum cut tests and such on his machine. Probably some good info in there!