Editing GCode on the fly

Hey Chris,

besides remote control of UI and ssh login via Ethernet or WiFi, the Onefinity/Buildbotics Controller also allows to open a terminal window by typing Ctrl-T Ctrl-C on the UI (you need to attach a USB keyboard to type this). You can exit this shell with “exit”. In this terminal window, you can become root with the command "sudo -i" and then you can use the “nano” text editor which is installed. With this text editor, you can edit your g-code file in the machine and re-run it from the UI again then.

The g-code files reside in /var/lib/bbctrl/upload

Alternatively, you could have a laptop with your CAD/CAM software with you in the workshop, and a short ethernet cable, and run the Onefinity UI on this laptop too (by visiting http://onefinity.local in the laptop’s web browser). You could then adjust the g-code file on your CAD/CAM software (if you don’t like editing raw g-code with a text editor). When using the UI in a web browser on the laptop, you don’t need a USB drive for uploading of a file into the Onefinity Controller, you simply choose the upload button on the UI and a file dialog which shows your laptop’s filesystem opens, where you can select your g-code file.

Running the Onefinity UI on a computer connected via WiFi or Ethernet also has the advantage that you can see the 3D toolpath simulation, which you don’t see on the touch display on the machine:

Welcome to the forum!

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