Foreman Elite Z-20 Braking motor upgrade problem(I stripped a bolt)

Hi, Folks!

It has NOT been a good day. The Foreman Elite came in the other day and I’ve been chipping away at assembling it. There’s no rush because my electrician won’t be here for almost a week. It’s all together, my 2.2KW 220V water-cooled spindle is installed, and an 18x50 drag chain is installed. I ran it last night and it’s homing and jogging fine. I am going to mount the power supply, VFD, and chiller and she should be ready when my 220 is installed. This morning, I was going to install the Z-20 breaking stepper. I disconnected the wiring and started taking out the four bolts on the original stepper. The first three came right out with no issue. I have no idea why, but the head of the fourth stripped! I took the first three out with my impact and a 3mm bit. I can’t figure out why the fourth one stripped out. I’ve done everything I can think of but decided to put it back together and use the stock motor. There goes $137!

After thinking about it for a while, I came up with a possible plan. As you know, the bolts are partially recessed into the corner of the motor so they are a little hard to get at fully. I’m thinking about using a Dremel, cut a slot in the bolt head, and use a straight screwdriver to get it out. Not sure yet if I want to attempt it, but I do want the upgrade.

Do you think it’s worth the risk of trying it?

Thanks for any input you may have.

My initial thoughts are that you will weaken the small bolt head, and given the challenge already, it may break it into two at the top.

I have two ideas…

  1. try to loosen the set screws for the motor coupling, and see if you are able to turn the motor base, even a little. It may loosen the bolt to the point where a small pair of locking plyers can turn it.

  2. perhaps try from the bottom, to remove the two SHCSs (M5 I think) that hold the two rectangular standoffs that go between the motor mount and top plate of the Z axis assembly. At least that way it is easier to work on, and if you decide to grind a slot you won’t get small steel grit on your machine. You may even decide to drill the bolt out, and replace it with a new longer bolt and lock washer and nut.

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